
Individuals and Families

Helping our clients thrive for generations

mother and child

Collaborating to achieve one agenda: yours

Our mission is to help families thrive. We work with you to define and share your unique values, communicate your vision for how wealth will impact your life, and create plans and invest capital to help preserve, grow and transition your wealth to family or philanthropic causes over the long term.

What We Believe Principles of Successful Wealth Planning banner

What we Offer


Long-term, value-oriented investing with the objective of preserving and growing wealth

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Wealth planning rooted in your values to help you achieve your near- and long-term goals

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Flexible, secured lending in the form of personal loans and lines of credit. Let us be your first call when you need flexible loans to grease the wheels in your Financial Independence journey. contact us at investorservices@seedvests.com for more enquiries about our loan services.


client retention rate

5 generations

of Partners committed to serving clients for the long term

5+ years

of stewarding client wealth

We partner with families on the issues at the intersection of their wealth, their families, and their lives so that they can thrive for generations.